king of kings

The longest day

Monday, January 10, 2005

Sad. a sad life really. my life. I chose cj partly coz i thot it wld have slacky lessons and teachers.hee hee. but horrors of horrors.the day starts at 800H and ends at 1730H on mondays.Argh.*curses*.the other nightmare would be having to take chinese lessons. its totally the chinese teacher sux and i think i am rather proficient in that language to not take it anymore. It is a nightmare revisited. My dreams of kicking chinese out of my life has been shattered.i am one broken man.smashed to smithereens.Yeah maybe i am exaggerating but chinese lessons are an exaggeration in my jc life rite stands out like a sore thumb on anyone's hand. my bitching again but bitching ain't easy.u gotta have a knack for it. LOL.How i envy HC's ttble(timetable). So relaxing. Mebbe coz they are smart but brother paul(FYI:cj's principal cool eh?cool he is our brudder.) shouldn't go to such great lengths to humiliate us.Me in lengthening the ttble he has gone to such great lengths.get it?brrr.haha.i feel COLD too.Anyway the day ended with PE and PE is meant to simulate the trainings in NS.Given the fact that i haven't been moving my bod for mths.It comes as no surprise that my legs will ache like my stomach or whicever part of my body when it hurts. <-Another attemt to crap there.Haha.Oh yeah i did my first GP essay today.I feel so grown up.Wise and erudite. MY FIRST GP is supposed to be a diagnostic test to guage our english standards but i brought it home to do it typically lazy of me.OUCH!my fingers hurt like how my legs would tmr.Wad does that mean?It means goodbye for now.CYA soon.=)

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