king of kings

Movie review:Lemony Snicket's S-U-E

Thursday, March 10, 2005

This is a most unfortunate movie to have been ever made and worst still, viewed by me. Looks sure can be deceiving.When i first saw the poster, i went "this is a show i must catch", because my intuition told me it would be a worthy catch. I realised my gut feeling isn't all that accurate. Bad feeling! First the show begins with a ludicrious snippet of a happy elf and his antics, and I wondered if I was in the right cinema XD.After the silly cartoon of approximately 2 mins,was a prologue where Lemony Snicket voiced, as he typed the story of the unlucky Baudelaires. The voice of Mr Snicket was played by Jude Law, and i guess the only parts I liked were the parts where Mr snicket's thoughts would be voiced out loud narrated by the soothing voice of Jude Law.It was a pity that this show was made in America and count Olaff had to be played by Jim Carrey with his out-of-place american accent.An english accent would have accent-uated the setting of the movie.Making it more realistic as the set was decked with houses and mansions which didn't look too american.More english actaully.I don't understand myself but i find the english accent rather sophisticated.Although I must add that Jim Carrey is one versatile actor sliding into his role perfectly as the guy-whom-everyone-hates.Haha.His ostentatious performance is commendable due to the fact that he plays a stage actor in the film.Hence his gestures have to be wildly exaggerated.The way he speaks moves etc. The three young stars who play the orphaned baudaliers after their parents are killed in a fire pull off their roles as though they were puppets.The inventor sister may seem the smart person in precarious situations in the film,coming up with ingenious contraptions to wiggle them three out of life-dangling situations but it is easy to notice that everything has been planned out too nicely till the show becomes one which is predictable.This defeats the entire purpose of the director who tries building up suspense. It is wacky for the youngest baudalier known as a monkey/primate to be able to bite like a termite when he/she/it is still teething at that age...The only sane and realistic character would be the brother who memorises books like books, and is able to sieve out useful theoretical information in times of need.The other characters played their roles decently enough but the person whom i find most foolish in the movie would be the oprhans' litigator who still thinks that what kids say are like wind to the ears.He however, is the more ignorant and gullible of the lot.If he had paid more attention to what the baudalier kids have to say,there would have no need for Lemony Snicket to pen a series of unfortunate events.Instead it would be titled an unfortunate event which would most probabaly last 15 mins and then there would be no need for millions to be spent on creating a failed movie.The bouncy lawyer though insignificant is in fact the crux of the movie.Without him,there would be no yada yada yada of events which would lead to a 1h40 min show.If there was someone to blame for this failure it would be the scriptwriter-cum-author who based his movie on two of his books and turned it into a skimpy and banal film faux pas.It would have been more amusing if the movie showed how Mr Snicket is stoned to death by director Brad Silberling.In conclusion, i stoically believe the plot of the movie is to be faulted.Haha.

PS:This review or should i say critique of the movie is wholly biased and those who view this are entitled to their own views and shall not look me up to debate this paltry issue.
To give Mr silberling some credit, the show is meant for kids,played by kids and kiddy adults respectively hence the plot may seem kiddy but it sure is meant for those who allow their grey matter to remain stagnant and rot.

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