king of kings

Fleeting moments

Friday, July 29, 2005

Today was a splendid example of a display of intertwined moods. I too was subconciously affected adversely by this mesh of sparsmodic feelings exuded by the people around me. If I were a Lit student (which sadly I am not cos I enjoy the nuances which can be discovered in texts.) I would relate this day to the weather. The erratic disposition of my classmates were difficult to predict. DUh. Self explanatory with reference to the word erratic. I don't understand though, why it rubbed off me. I became sullen and kinda glum. Preferring not to engage in conversations. I guess it's my split personality type-the S/IC personality. haha. Sometimes I'd pick soliloquy over socialising. It soothes my nerves. Two plausible causes for such a pendulous swing in my temperament might have been due firstly to might lack of rest or secondly the endurance test of lectures before the end of school.

The miraculous cure for everyone's vagary was not surprisingly the ring of the school bell which marked the end of school. w00t. The stale semblance was vanquished. I was so excited abt playing squash man. Played once and felt the andrenaline rush to play again. Ran about like a whirlwind and sweated it out. It was so liberating. Immediately my mood was lifted even though i couldn't hit most of the shots returned. LOL. I implore those who have never tried something to try. Cos they might find that they have a passion for that activity. Anyway, thanks to ppl whom i played with. U guys made my day. Literally. hahaha. Also thanks to Ashley for the tube of mentos(special edition) which i havent finished. Hehe. I love weng weng and fong fong. Tsktsk. This is so not english but heck it. I have a penchant for colloqial english this very moment.

Give Blood, Take my live

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Was a most eventful day yesterday,the reason i'm blogging today would be due to my exhaustion.Why in the world and would I complain about my weary life out of the blue when it has always been so? There is a special reason for that...Because the 16th of July was a day i had three foreign objects stuck into my temple of life.Yes as the Title of my entry suggests, I gave blood but did not exactly lose my life.Haha.Yes yes soooo lame...
First let me tell u the reason for my charitable proclivity. I have always been a philanthropist but that's not the --->.(this means "point" if you haven't already made a stab in the dark so as to decipher the atypical meaning of three abutments and a >).Back to the story. I grew up a precocious child, that makes me a precocious teen(redundant use of the work precocious here as i have already developed into one captain sassy pants) now. Curiosity always gets the better of me. Why? You've gotta question curiosity herself. Fast forward to the event cos i have been gleaned of any logical-esque reasons>>>
And(pri school teachers hate the usage of a conjunction at the beginning of the sentence but i surmise the since i have moved on beyond that phase, I am permissible to do so) so i enter the room, settled all the red-tape(i was shocked to find out that hospitals were so bureaucratic) and waited. I was amused but offended at the questionnaire I had to attempt.There were questions which adumbrated promiscuity on our part for eg.have you ever offered gifts or money to a prostitute blah blah...haha.I broach the HSA to design another not-so-risque questionnaire to cater to the non-recalcitrants although it may be assumed that teens of this age may be deemed angsty and liberal. Yet there will be exceptions to everything.Haha.Oops i have a disturbing inkling that i have digressed by an obtuse angle.Sorry, too used to letting my thoughts wander during a conversation with thyself. I allow my highly intricate mind to do so because it is capable of piecing prohibitively disjointed information together. With great abilities come wonderful privileges.
Back to my procedure once again. I had a finger prick to test the haemoglobin in my blood.The blood was then trickled into a (copper(II) solution)my conjecture is such as the solution was blue.I postulate that the test was conducted to test the density of one's blood(due to the Fe2+ ion embedded in haemoglobin) and copper(II) soluion functioned as a solvent.In layman's terms it was to test the quality of our blood. The prick hurt like crazy.Try stapling the tip(the most sensitive) of your third finger to experience pain.For excrutiation use a rusted staple.For more pleasure try the staple gun.Disclaimer note:All responsibility shall fall upon the consumer's discretion and lunacy. Any attempts of a court case shall be deemed irrelevant.
After the finger jab came the injection of a localised anaesthetic. What brilliance, having an inoculation to avoid pain. How smart is that. Anyway my mind was to preoccupied with sleeping that i didn't realise the insertion of the hideous needle into my vein.Of all the viscose veins which showed on my arm, they had to look for a vein which i did not realise even existed.Next up, was a 0.7mm(that would be the diameter of the nose of the proboscis)needle. It looked something like the needle fitted on ball pumps. Yay! I rejoiced when my blood made its way into the bag. It flowed at an abnormal velocity. Within 2 minutes half the bag was filled. Soon, my left hand lost all sense of touch, after which my head spun at such a speed that i believed would have created a centripetal force.Haha.I motioned to the nurse that I was on the verge of unconciousness so my couch was lowered and my legs raised. Basic first aid.The blood transfusion process was truncated immediately. However it felt quite nice to half faint. It felt like i was floating on the clouds. What a surreal description. LOL. This was the end of an eventful day. Haha.

The other eventful events which occur on a regular basis would be my tardiness. My intimate realtionship with DC(detention class) deepened with time(no pun intended).But that would be another story for another session. Gtg. Bye!

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